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User Manual
Anything Slider User Manual
Anything Slider Dotnetnuke Module User Manual

AnythingSlider is a Dotnetnuke Module based on the great AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin

Online Demo

Click the Image to open image 


  • Panels are HTML Content (can be anything).
  • Multiple AnythingSliders allowable per-page.
  • Infinite/Continuous sliding (always slides in the direction you are going, even at “last” slide).
  • Optional Next / Previous Panel Arrows.
  • Auto-playing slideshow (optional feature, can start playing or stopped)
  • Pauses playing YouTube videos when not in view and resumes them when in view (only in non-IE browsers & if files are hosted on the web).
  • Pauses slideshow on hover (optional).
  • Optionally play the slideshow once through, stopping on the last page.


You can install the AnythingSlider Module like any dotnetnuke modules, goto Host/Extension and Upload the PA to your portals.

You can always get the latest update from


  1. Place the AnythingSlider Module to a page
  2. Click Manage Item to create the content panel for the sliding
  3. Click Add New to create your first HTML content
  4. Place an image as the only content for one slider
  5. Click Add New again, and place an youtube video for the second slider
  6. Click Add New again, and place a text/image mixed html for the third slider
  7. Click Add New again, and place another image banner as the fourth slider
  8. You will have the slider list like below, click Return
  9. Click Manage Settings
  10. Adjust the width, height, animation type, predefined class etc. 
  11. Now you will have a full working AnythingSlider result
    image image
    while you can click to play the video as well.

Manage Settings Options

  • Serial Number: You can use the full featured module for up to 7 days, after that trial period you are require to enter an activation code. Please goto to get your module activated. You can also download the latest version of the module.
  • WIDTH: the width of the slider
  • HEIGHT: the height of the slider
  • Animation: the animation effect when transit from one slide to another slide (not all effect works for every class)
  • Style Type: here you can define your own style (it’s like a template how the number, left, right button, start, stop button looks like)
  • Predefined class: anything slider comes with some basic style, we can design new style and use “upload skin” to add pre-defined styles
  • Auto Play: when checked, it will automatically start changing sliders
  • Delay: this is the ms when it first start slide
  • StartStop: when checked, it will show the button to start/stop the slide
  • Animation Time: this is the time when one slide will stay before it changed to another
  • Build Navigation: When checked, it will display 1,2,3 for different slide
  • Pause on Hover: When checked, if mouse over the slide, it will not change slide even auto play is on
  • Start Text: the text for Start Button
  • Stop Text: the text for Stop Button
  • Enable jQuery: leave it unchecked, because most new dotnetnuke version already have jQuery on. This is only need to be checked for older dotnetnuke version.
Article #104
Anything Slider Dotnetnuke Module User Manual
Updated On: 6/17/2012
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